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Why You Should Hire A Marketing Firm to Build Your Website

Written by Lisa Smith | Oct 15, 2015 12:51:03 AM


Your website should act as your best marketing tool, so why not hire a marketing firm to build and maintain your site? Marketing is a working project, constantly developing, changing, and progressing. Websites are the same way, which is why marketing firms understand the big picture. They envision website development as a process rather than a project.


By following best practices, your website can act as your main marketing mechanism. Start by defining the purpose of your website in terms of marketing goals. Are you looking to gain market share? Support customers? Increase sales? Drive traffic? Your development company will be able to build you a website that works toward achieving your well-defined goals.


Marketing firms understand how to develop or redesign a website with marketing goals in mind. Everything from communication to appearance to performance must be addressed so that your website works optimally.

Your website should feature a memorable web address. Be sure to pick a short URL that visitors can easily search for. When visitors access your site by typing in its URL, it’s called direct traffic. Organic searches result from visitors accessing your website from an unpaid search engine listing. For example, they might find you on Google, Yahoo, or Bing. By building your website using keywords, visitors will be able to use search engines to find you. Organic search results are important because they lead to higher click-through and conversion rates. In fact, many studies show that searchers trust organic results more than paid search results.


Search engine optimization is one of the specializations many marketing firms offer. Working with a marketing firm to build your website will help you boost SEO and monitor the results to gauge page performance. Your marketing firm will help you identify strong keywords to attach to your page titles, descriptions, headings, content, image file names, and URLs. Savings will result from SEO over pay-per-click options as an added benefit.


Many marketing firms also offer content services that create and distribute information relevant to visitors. When a visitor navigates to a website, they are expecting to see up-to-date information. Content should be updated regularly and your marketing firm can assist you in this process.


Communication is essential throughout the website building process. Marketing firms are skilled and knowledgeable in this area. You will see proof of this throughout the entire development process. A critical aspect of your website is how all of the working parts communicate with visitors. Upon first glance, visitors take in the design of your site. Design includes titles, textual content, images, colors, and the overall layout. When they begin interacting with your website, communication becomes a two-way street. Visitors may post a comment on your blog, fill out a form, visit your social media channels, share content to their own social account, or provide a review. A website that allows for effective communication generates positive results. Visitors stay on pages longer and are more likely to convert into leads or even sales.


Your website should attract and retain your ideal customer. When customers need information, they turn to the Internet. For this reason, your site should also build your reputation and credibility.


Are you thinking of developing or redesigning your website? Jot down your marketing goals before researching marketing firms that are qualified for the project. Select a firm whose approach aligns with your business needs and work with them every step of the way to achieve the goals you’ve set.