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Maintaining Employee Morale While Fueling Innovation

Posted by Lisa Smith on Aug 4, 2017 9:05:00 AM



If you’re anything like the ‘old’ me, you spend too much time stressing about work you haven’t finished, and not enough time feeling satisfied about what you have accomplished. In a perfect world, I’d come to work each day with a surplus of innovative ideas and bring each one to fruition by 5 o’clock. But emails are endless, meetings are necessary and delays are just an inevitable part of business. Which is why, despite my best efforts, I still haven’t figured out how to squeeze 40 hours of work into an eight-hour workday. 


What I have learned, (thanks to an awesome boss and a few thought-changing exercises) is how to use those feelings of angst and defeat to generate groundbreaking ideas and fuel strategies that I know my team can accomplish.

Read Maintaining Employee Morale While Fueling Innovation